Factory Control Systems

Providing systems that give you
control of your business

FCS recognises that the key to your success is to fully meet and where possible exceed your customers’ requirements.
We can provide you with a comprehensive, state of the art, cost effective
Enterprise Resource Planning System,
enabling you to view live all aspects of your operation, synchronise and integrate your business processes, maximise operational efficiencies,
transforming the way you do business.

Key Advantages

  • Wave goodbye to manual records and spreadsheets in favour of one comprehensive live database, which can be accessed by users throughout the business.
  • View live, all aspects of your financial and operational performance across the business. Produce reports for your Sales and Factory Performance
  • Monitoring, including Stock / Inventory Control, Capacity and Distribution Planning.
  • Boost you cash flow by improving delivery times, reducing stock levels and tracking your suppliers’ performances.
  • Analyse profitability by customer, salesman, region, product etc.
  • Seamlessly link with CAD / CAM software.
  • Integrate your Shop Floor Data Collection using Barcoding technology
